New online shoppers can bring new opportunities. Are you missing out?
of people aged 56+ would be willing to retry with a new payment method
Download the report to learn:
Why new customers are 5-7x more likely to be declined than returning users
How much revenue you are missing out on by turning away new customers
How merchants can use risk management as a growth engine
New shoppers are 5-7x more likely to be declined than returning customers by current fraud tools
Missed annual revenue per customer:
Download the full report to unlock all the data.
Get the NUMO report
When merchants falsely decline new shoppers they miss out on opportunities to convert these potential buyers into loyal lifetime customers—we refer to this phenomenon as New User Missed Opportunity (NUMO). You can avoid NUMO by looking at fraud prevention from a new perspective.
Our free NUMO report tells you what you need in order to:
Understand how much revenue is at stake because of false declines.
Approve more new good customers & capture as much revenue as possible.
Avoid key obstacles that lead to higher cart abandonment rates.
Encourage increased customer lifetime value (CLTV).
Merchants can lose up to 75x more revenue to false declines than they do to fraud.
We’ve seen a record number of new online shoppers in the past year, but new online shoppers are 5-7x more likely to be declined by traditional fraud tools than returning customers.
Merchants can lose up to 75x more revenue to false declines than they do to fraud.
When merchants falsely decline new shoppers they miss out on opportunities to convert these potential buyers into loyal lifetime customers—we refer to this phenomenon as New User Missed Opportunity (NUMO). You can avoid NUMO by looking at fraud prevention from a new perspective.
40% of those declined on the first visit won’t try again on that merchant’s site